Beef Wrap

Beef Wrap November 12

Download PDF This week the cash cattle market moved up $1-2 over last week andmovement was pretty brisk. It looks like the weekly average is goingto finish somewhere around $131.50. While cattle prices were busyadvancing, beef prices were slipping. The Choice cutout dropped$2.36 on a weekly average basis and the Select was up $1.74.Perhaps the …

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Beef Wrap November 5

Download PDF Cash cattle prices took another step upward this week. Early in theweek, trade was occurring at mostly $128. Trade was rather lightbecause cattle feeders insisted on $130 for any additional cattle andpackers refused to pay it until Friday morning when they capitulatedand $130 was paid in all regions. When all was said and …

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Beef Wrap October 29

Download PDF The cash cattle market finally made a move higher this week, with liveprices registering in the $126-127 range. It looks like the average forthe week is going to be just about $2 higher than last week. We’veknown for a while now that smaller placements back in May, June andJuly would hit the market …

Beef Wrap October 29 Read More »

Beef Wrap October 22

Download PDF The big news in the cattle and beef complex this week was thestabilization of the cutouts. After declining for the past two months, thecutouts actually posted tiny gains this week. The Choice was up $0.15on a weekly average basis and the Select was up $0.99. To be sure,those gains are really small, but …

Beef Wrap October 22 Read More »

Beef Wrap October 15

Download PDF The live market for cash cattle was up a little less than a dollarthis week to $123.85. That puts it about right in the middle of thetrading range it has been stuck in for the last several months.The cutouts continued lower although the losses were very smallnear the end of the week. The …

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Beef Wrap October 8

Download PDF I thought about just saying “see last week’s wrap” and call it a day. Once again, it was more of the same in the cattle and beef complex. The only thing that really changed this week was that futures traders realized how oversold the futures had gotten and they corrected that with five …

Beef Wrap October 8 Read More »

Beef Wrap October 1

Download PDF Cash cattle averaged a dollar lower this week at $122.65, but otherthan that, it was more of the same in the cattle and beef complexthis week. The cutouts continued lower, with the Choice downalmost $11 on a weekly average basis and the select down a littleless than $6. That compressed the Choice-Select spread …

Beef Wrap October 1 Read More »

Beef Wrap September 24

Download PDF It was more of the same in the cattle and beef complex this week—cash cattle steady in the $123-124 range and beef cutouts fallinglike a rock. The Choice was down $11.47 on a weekly averagebasis and the Select was off $8.58. Some packers did plantmaintenance this week and that limited the fed kill …

Beef Wrap September 24 Read More »

Beef Wrap September 17

Download PDF The cash cattle market was a little lower this week, with the averagelive trade done close to $124. In the prior four weeks it had beencloser to $125. The beef market continued its retreat with bothcutouts down about $12 on a weekly average basis. That said, theChoice cutout finished up on Friday at …

Beef Wrap September 17 Read More »

Beef Wrap September 10

Download PDF Cash cattle markets were about $1 lower this week to $124.73 andthe cutouts were also on the defensive, with the Choice losing a littleover $7 on a weekly average basis and the Select down almost $11.That really expanded the Choice-Select spread, which now sits atalmost $34—extremely wide for this time of year. Over …

Beef Wrap September 10 Read More »

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