Pork Wrap

Pork Wrap January 27

Download PDF A glimmer of hope came to the hog and pork complex this week as both the cutout and negotiated hog markets posted a tiny increase.  The cutout added $0.86/cwt. on a weekly average basis and the WCB negotiated price gained $0.47/cwt.   Market participants are trying to discern if this is the true bottom …

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Pork Wrap January 20

Download PDF Pricing in the hog and pork complex was softer yet again this week, with the cutout dropping $2.05/cwt. and the WCB cash market down $2.54/cwt.  It is not surprising that the market buckled a bit under the weight of last week’s huge 2.68 million head kill.  This week the kill registered 2.53 million …

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Pork Wrap January 13

Download PDF Packers ramped things up in a big way this week, producing a huge kill that caused the cutout to struggle.  On a weekly average basis, the cutout was down $3.89/cwt. to $81.15.  The cutout has now lost almost $8/cwt. over the first two weeks of January.  Cash hogs came under pressure as well, …

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Pork Wrap January 9

Download PDF The pork cutout lost another $3.81/cwt. this week as both bellies and hams failed to gain any traction following the holidays. If the cutout is losing $4 this week after three short kill weeks, it is somewhat scary to think what might happen when kills balloon back to normal next week. Futures traders …

Pork Wrap January 9 Read More »

Pork Wrap December 30

Download PDF The holidays and last week’s weather forced a kill slowdown by pork packers and that had the effect of improving their margins.  The cutout gained $2.51/cwt. on a weekly average basis and the WCB negotiated cash market dropped almost $4.50/cwt.   That pushed packer margins up to about $17/head—the largest since early October.   Pork …

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Pork Wrap December 23

Download PDF The hog and pork complex was affected by the same holiday and weather disruptions that plagued the cattle and beef complex this week. Nasty winter weather doesn’t have as big of an impact on hogs as cattle because the hogs are raised indoors in heated facilities, but it does affect transportation of the …

Pork Wrap December 23 Read More »

Pork Wrap December 16

Download PDF It was another week of limited price changes in the cash hog and pork markets.  The WCB negotiated market dropped $1.44/cwt. on a weekly average basis and the NDD market was down $1.35.  The cutout managed to eek out a $0.20/cwt. gain.  Dec LH futures expired on Wednesday and were cash-settled to the …

Pork Wrap December 16 Read More »

Pork Wrap December 10

Download PDF The hog and pork complex continued to work lower this week,erasing any hopes that there would be a price rebound before theDec contract expires. The WCB negotiated market dropped$2.53/cwt. on the week and the NDD market was down $1.60/cwt. Bellies had another soft week and that caused the cutout toaverage $86.85, down $0.75 …

Pork Wrap December 10 Read More »

Pork Wrap December 2

Download PDF Negotiated hog prices held rather steady this week as the NDD was up $0.34 on a weekly average basis and the WCB was down $0.14. The problem for packers was that the cutout dropped $2.47/cwt. That shrank their margin once again and I calculate it to be currently just under $7/head. Who would …

Pork Wrap December 2 Read More »

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