Market Intel

Pork Wrap March 3

Download PDF After last week’s solid move higher in the cutout, this week it was back to the same-ole, same-ole with the cutout only adding a measly $0.39/cwt on the week.   It was a similar situation in the negotiated hog markets where the WCB gained $0.32/cwt and the NDD was up $0.61/cwt.  Packers got caught …

Pork Wrap March 3 Read More »

Beef Wrap March 3

Download PDF The beef market slowed down this week, with the Choice cutout only gaining $1.93/cwt on a weekly average basis and the Select cutout up $4.78.  That caused the Choice-Select spread to narrow down to $10.69/cwt, which is the smallest spread in almost a year.   Packers have incentive to keep trying to push the …

Beef Wrap March 3 Read More »

Pork Wrap February 24

Download PDF This week the pork cutout finally got some lift, rising $3.09 to average just a hair over $85/cwt.  The boost was largely driven by gains in the hams and bellies, which could signal that processors are beginning to see better demand for their products.   The cash hog market was a bit lethargic, with …

Pork Wrap February 24 Read More »

Beef Wrap February 24

Download PDF The cash cattle market continued its march higher this week, with the majority of transactions in the South registering $164, up almost $3 from the previous week’s average.  The packer’s sales desk was busy raising asking prices on beef and we saw the Choice cutout increase almost $11/cwt and the Select cutout gained …

Beef Wrap February 24 Read More »

Pork Wrap February 17

Download PDF The pork market gained just a bit more upward momentum this week as the cutout averaged $81.94, up $1.76.  However, the negotiated hog markets did not gain nearly as much as they did the week before.  The WCB negotiated price added only $0.94/cwt this week and the NDD market was up $0.78.  Packers …

Pork Wrap February 17 Read More »

Beef Wrap February 17

Download PDF The beef market made a stunning turn higher this week, with the Choice cutout gaining $7.77/cwt and the Select adding $6.44/cwt.  Packers have been having to pay up for cattle in the last couple of weeks, so they probably got serious about extracting more from beef buyers.   They will need to repeat that …

Beef Wrap February 17 Read More »

Pork Wrap February 10

Download PDF Finally there was some substantive movement in prices, but unfortunately for packers it was the prices on the wrong end of their profit equation that were increasing.  The WCB negotiated market added $4.50/cwt. on a weekly average basis and the NDD market gained $3.77/cwt.   The pork cutout?—it gained a mere $0.17/cwt.  In the …

Pork Wrap February 10 Read More »

Beef Wrap February 10

Download PDF The beef cutouts moved modestly higher this week, with the Choice and Select both gaining a little over $2/cwt.  Of course, cattle feeders wanted their share of the bounty and they forced packers to pay about $1.50/cwt. more for cattle than they did last week.   Cash cattle prices in the Southern Plains were …

Beef Wrap February 10 Read More »

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