Beef Wrap

Beef Wrap September 3

Download PDF Live cattle futures traders seem to have lost their optimism for thefuture. The Dec LC contract, which traded over $138 at one pointlast week, closed Friday just a little under $131. Why the suddenshift in expectations? Well, at least part of it has to be due to thefact that the futures got way …

Beef Wrap September 3 Read More »

Beef Wrap August 27

Download PDF Cash cattle have only been lightly traded this week, with prices inthe South mostly $122-124 and prices in the North $3-4 over that.Available supplies are tighter in the North and the cattle from thatregion grade better, thus the higher price levels. Cattle feedershave been struggling to capture even a small portion of the …

Beef Wrap August 27 Read More »

Beef Wrap August 20

Download PDF Beef prices continued to soar this week with the Choice cutout up$27 from the end of last week and the Select cutout up over $22.The chart below indicates that it is the middle meats that are now theprimary drivers of the price increases, with the end primals providingmuch less of the lift. That …

Beef Wrap August 20 Read More »

Beef Wrap August 13

Download PDF Cash cattle averaged about a dollar lower in the live markets thisweek at $122.84. The dressed markets, which are primarily in thenorth, were about $2 higher. Beef markets continued to soar withthe Choice adding almost $23 on a weekly average basis and theSelect adding a little over $18. At this rate, it won’t …

Beef Wrap August 13 Read More »

Beef Wrap July 30

Download PDF Cash cattle traded about steady with last week, averaging $121.05on the week. The cash market for cattle has been stuck in a verynarrow range between $120 and $123 for the past 11 weeks,excepting one week where a $125 price was observed. Should weexpect that to change anytime soon? Probably not. The cutouts arerising …

Beef Wrap July 30 Read More »

Beef Wrap July 23

Download PDF Cash cattle markets were mostly lower, with the average so farthis week at $120.21, down over $2.50 from last week’saverage. The cutouts also continued lower, with both downabout $6 on a weekly average basis. However, the cutouts didmanage to eek out small gains on Wednesday and Thursday,which has some wondering whether or not …

Beef Wrap July 23 Read More »

Beef Wrap July 16

Download PDF Cash cattle prices were a little higher this week, averaging$122.56, up about $0.40 from last week’s average. We still have atwo-tiered market, with cattle in the North selling for a couple ofdollars more than those in the South. The beef market continuedto move lower, with the Choice cutout dropping a little over $10and …

Beef Wrap July 16 Read More »

Beef Wrap July 9

Download PDF Cash cattle continued to trade in a two-tiered market this week,with cattle in the North bringing $124-126 and cattle in the Southbringing $120-122. It looks like the weighted average will be closeto $121, so that is down almost $3 from last week’s average near$124. There are two things going on here. First cattle …

Beef Wrap July 9 Read More »

Beef Wrap July 2

Download PDF Cash cattle prices averaged about $1.50 lower this week to $123.80,but there are some pretty strong regional differences in pricing. Cattlein the Southern Plains are bringing $122 or less while cattle in theNorth are bringing from $125 to $127. There are two factors at workhere. The first is just a general cattle availability …

Beef Wrap July 2 Read More »

Beef Wrap June 25

Download PDF So far, this week’s average cash cattle price is $125.57, up about$3 from last week. Packers are still chasing Choice cattle and arewilling to pay up for them. The cutouts continued to fall, with theChoice off $15.62 on a weekly average basis so far and the Selectoff $14.31. As a result, packer margins …

Beef Wrap June 25 Read More »

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