Market Intel

Pork Wrap January 20

Download PDF Pricing in the hog and pork complex was softer yet again this week, with the cutout dropping $2.05/cwt. and the WCB cash market down $2.54/cwt.  It is not surprising that the market buckled a bit under the weight of last week’s huge 2.68 million head kill.  This week the kill registered 2.53 million …

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Pork Wrap January 13

Download PDF Packers ramped things up in a big way this week, producing a huge kill that caused the cutout to struggle.  On a weekly average basis, the cutout was down $3.89/cwt. to $81.15.  The cutout has now lost almost $8/cwt. over the first two weeks of January.  Cash hogs came under pressure as well, …

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Beef Wrap January 13

Download PDF Packers finally had some success in halting the cash cattle market this week.  When all of the transactions are tallied and reported on Monday, it looks like the average sale price will be close to $157/cwt., down about $0.75 from the week before.   Cattle feeders held out until the end of the week …

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Pork Wrap January 9

Download PDF The pork cutout lost another $3.81/cwt. this week as both bellies and hams failed to gain any traction following the holidays. If the cutout is losing $4 this week after three short kill weeks, it is somewhat scary to think what might happen when kills balloon back to normal next week. Futures traders …

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Beef Wrap January 9

Download PDF This week’s cash cattle trade averaged $157.78/cwt., almost steady with last week. Cattle in the Southern regions traded at about a $1/ cwt. discount to those in the North. The cutout held up very well, with the Choice adding $3.54/cwt. and the Select gaining a whopping $8.19/cwt. Packer margins stayed essentially flat with …

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