
Pork Wrap July 29

Download PDF Prices in the hog and pork complex continued higher thisweek, with the cutout adding $3.24/cwt on a weekly averagebasis and the WCB negotiated market up $1.57/cwt. We arestill seeing a strong positive influence on the cutout from thebellies and hams. The ham primal averaged close to $117/cwtfor the week and that was the …

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Beef Wrap July 29

Download PDF The cash cattle market averaged almost $2 lower this week atclose to $139, with trades in the South as low as $135 and prices inthe North falling mostly in the $141-142 range. The cutouts werealso slightly lower, with the Choice dropping $1.26/cwt on the weekand the Select down $0.42/cwt. The beef trade was …

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Pork Wrap July 22

Download PDF Cash hog prices held about steady this week, but the cutoutgained nearly $6/cwt on a weekly average basis. The chartbelow indicates that, once again, it was the processing items thatwere the main drivers of the cutout increase. Bellies in particularcaught fire this week. It is a dangerous combination when hamsand bellies are moving …

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Beef Wrap July 22

Download PDF The cash cattle market continued lower this week, averaging$140.65, which was about $1.50 below last week’s average. Thelarge premium that Northern cattle have been carrying over those inthe South is starting to narrow. The cutouts were slightly higherwith the Choice gaining $1.63/cwt and the Select up $0.30/cwt on aweekly average basis. Although the …

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Beef Wrap July 15

Download PDF Packers continued to push the cash cattle market lower this week, withthe weekly average through Thursday at $141.94, down about $2.50from last week’s average. At the same time, they were successful inholding the cutouts mostly steady as production ramped back upfollowing the holiday. Through Thursday, the Choice cutout was up$0.69 and the Select …

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Pork Wrap July 15

Download PDF The pork cutout surged higher this week, gaining $4.13 throughThursday to reach $118.51 and demolishing my theory that lastweek was the top in the cutout. The LHI gained $2.21 throughThursday as it reacted to the higher cutouts and should have atleast another $2 worth of follow-through if nothing elsechanges. The negotiated hog markets …

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