
Beef Wrap April 29

Download PDF The cash cattle market managed to shake off last week’s bearish Cattle onFeed report and held steady this week, thanks in large part to strongbidding in the Northern states where prices were $5-6 higher than in theSouth. The weekly average nationally was $143.31, almost even with theweek before. This is one of the …

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Pork Wrap April 29

Download PDF The pork market got back on its downward trajectory this week, with the cutout dropping $4.13/cwt to average $105.18. Cash hog markets were higher, with the WCB negotiated market rising $2.81 and the NDD up $0.86. The LHI gained almost $1 to $102.20. Hogs up and pork down is a bad combination for …

Pork Wrap April 29 Read More »

Pork Wrap April 22

Download PDF Last week, I said it was important that we see the cutout hold on to itsgains. It managed to do that this week, but it didn’t add very much.The cutout was up $1.10 on a weekly average basis and the attachedchart shows that all of the primals contributed a little bit to this …

Pork Wrap April 22 Read More »

Beef Wrap April 22

Download PDF Cash cattle averaged $143 this week, up almost $2 from last week’saverage. However, the national average price masks a wide disparitybetween prices in the North, which were $145-147, and those in the South,where $140-141 was more common. Cattle supplies are tighter in the northand packers have a big book of product to deliver …

Beef Wrap April 22 Read More »

Pork Wrap April 15

Download PDF The pork market moved higher this week, with the cutout gaining$4.10 to average $108.22. Most of that gain can be attributable tothe hams and bellies. Cash hogs, on the other hand, eased lowerwith the NDD negotiated market losing $1.87 on a weekly averagebasis. That brought some much needed help to packer margins,which moved …

Pork Wrap April 15 Read More »

Beef Wrap April 15

Download PDF The cash cattle market took a step up this week, with pricesaveraging just over $141, up $2 from the week before. Thecutouts were mixed, with the Choice gaining $1.99/cwt while theSelect lost $1.64/cwt. That had to be a disappointment forpackers, after recent weeks where the cutouts have been gaining$5 or more. So, if …

Beef Wrap April 15 Read More »

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