
Pork Wrap April 8

Download PDF The pork complex continued to ease lower this week, with thecutout dropping $1.16 on a weekly average basis. It is really avery gentle easing, with the cutout down only $2.40 in the last twoweeks. For the past five weeks, the cutout has been stuck in the$104-106 range on a weekly average basis. Packers …

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Beef Wrap April 8

Download PDF The cash cattle market moved a little lower this week, but for allpractical purposes it remains stuck in the $138-139 range it has been insince early March. The cutouts continued higher, but at a little slowerpace than expected. The Choice cutout added $4.41 on a weeklyaverage basis and the Select cutout was up …

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Beef Wrap April 1

Download PDF The beef markets continued higher this week, with the Choice cutoutgaining $5.06 on a weekly average basis and the Select adding$6.22. As you might expect for this time of year, it was the middlemeat primals that led the cutout higher, but both cutouts were alsohelped by soaring 50s prices. In the past two …

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Pork Wrap April 1

Download PDF Price direction in the hog and pork complex isn’t very easy to discernright now. Last week it looked as though the combined margin mightbe making a bottom and we were on the cusp of a new upcycle indemand. This week however, the market didn’t follow through andthat raises the potential that it was …

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