Market Intel

Pork Wrap May 24

Download PDF It is fairly typical for the pork market to be heating up in May as Memorial Day approaches, but this year seems to be different.  The cutout actually declined this week, dropping $1.28/cwt. to average $100.07.   The negotiated hog markets were softer too, with the WCB dropping $2.06 on its way to averaging …

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Beef Wrap May 24

Download PDF The beef market managed to stay on its upward trajectory for the second week in a row, with the Choice cutout gaining $4.89/cwt. on a weekly average basis and the Select cutout adding $6.48/cwt.  The cattle market also posted gains as trade in the South was mostly $1 higher at $187 while the …

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Beef Wrap May 17

Download PDF This week’s theme in the cattle and beef complex was “better late than never”, as the cutouts rocketed higher just two weeks before the Memorial Day holiday.  There was speculation that the buying was driven by packers’ announcing their intention to limit this week’s kill and that caused beef buyers to quickly jump …

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Pork Wrap May 17

Download PDF After three weeks, where it was stalled at $98, the pork cutout regained some upward momentum this week, averaging $101.35.  That feat was accomplished largely due to gains in belly prices, although the hams also provided support.   The surprising feature of this week’s market was that negotiated hog prices did not follow the …

Pork Wrap May 17 Read More »

Pork Wrap May 10

Download PDF Prices across the hog and pork complex were virtually at a standstill again this week.  The cutout moved up $0.47 to average $98.82 and the WCB negotiate market was a mere four cents higher on a weekly average basis.   The lack of upward movement in prices during May is very unusual and it …

Pork Wrap May 10 Read More »

Beef Wrap May 10

Download PDF The beef cutouts finally got a little lift this week, with the Choice adding $2.27/cwt. to average $296.78 and the Select losing $0.72/cwt. to average $288.05.   The gains were driven mostly by increases in the rib and loin primals, with all of the other primals either slightly lower or nearly unchanged on the …

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